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  • Solutions
  • SHC "ARGO: Energoresursi"
AMS, Smart Grid, ASCAPC

Integrated accounting of energy carriers consumption in housing services and utilities (HSU). Optimisation of power consumption

Metering and accounting of power consumption itself does not reduce the consumption. But building of ASCAPC and AMS is a very important step in the sequence of activities aimed at ensuring of HSU efficiency. SHC "ARGO: Energoresursi" (Software & Hardware Complex) can be a basis for ASCAPC building either in multifamily dwellings or in countryside. The next step after data harvesting automation is analysis of obtained information. For this purpose our SHC uses visualization and analysis software modules. At the same time the complex can carry out monitoring of state of different systems such as heating, conditioning, fire and security alarm systems, etc. Special procedures of data import/export allow collaboration of the SHC with systems of other developers (e.g. SCADA, billing systems, .... etc.) In order to affect unfair consumers of energy carriers we have introduced the solutions for electricity and water delivery limitation.


Integrated accounting of energy carriers consumption in industry.

AMS, Smart Grid, ASCAPC
The goal of ASCAPC and AMS building in industrial object is to define and clarify the flows of energy carriers inside the enterprise with respects to its manufacturing technology and financial operations. This information is crucial for power consumption optimization which directly increases competitive strength of the firm. The key features of ASCAPC and AMS of an enterprise are complex (integrated) accounting of energy carriers (electricity, water, heat, vapor, effluent water, etc.) and wide variety of metering devices and communication channels. SHC "ARGO: Energoresursi" includes all necessary elements for analysis, visualization and forecasting of consumption of energy carriers under the monitoring. In order to settle with tenants a billing system can be used. Supervisory control of the equipment, used for production can be carried out using special monitoring applications (modules).

Supervisory control and automation of power plants and assets

AMS, Smart Grid, ASCAPC
Monitoring and automation of small-scale power generation and HSU (individual heat supply station, central heating supply station, modular boiler-stations, etc.) are very important activities aimed at ensuring of energy carriers consumption stability and effectiveness. Heat consumption optimization can be carried out by optimization of hot-water supply modes and control of heat consumption along different criteria. Electricity consumption optimization in its turn can be done by implementation of automated systems for outdoor lighting control (ASOLC), production technologies optimization.

Automated ICS

AMS, Smart Grid, ASCAPC
Well-designed application of automated industrial control systems (ICS) makes it possible to increase production efficiency dramatically. It can be reached either with more responsible consumption of an enterprise capital or with operational indexes (e.g. energy carrier consumption per unit of product), spurring the operating staff. Modern automation systems are understood to provide on-line supervisory control of manufacturing processes with an operator making key decisions. A set of predefined decision rules either on the control unit level of the system or on the level of working station significantly reduces the risk of emergency situations occurrence.